Fake Vs. Real

Ghost Face 51 – Scream

We purchase our Ghostface Fake Funko from eBay for $20.99 with free delivery.

It was ordered on May 9th and delivered June 4th.

This seller also has items listed for sale such as Yennefer, Elvis, Unmasked Jason, The Crow and many others.

We have reached out to the seller asking “Hello, is this an official Funko? The box is different and so is the blood on his knife. Also our figure was bent in half and almost broken. I am confused as I thought this was the official version from Funko.” The seller then responded with:


  • This is the package the fake Ghost Face was shipped in



  • The fake Ghost face was packed tight and was in a box that had been taped well


  • This Pop! did come damaged and warped


  • This is how the fake Ghost Face  was wrapped.


  • Unlike the fake Vendetta this bubble was good and had good bubbles on it.



    • All the black on this is a lighter shade on the fake, this is a very consistent and noticeable difference.
    • The “warning” at the bottom is bolded on the real, on the fake it is not


        • The fake Ghost Face uses a different font for the text.
        • #51 is a  different font on the fake.
        • The figure on the side of the box has lighter shade of black compared to the real one.


          • The figure on the side of the box has lighter shade of black compared to the real one.


              • The fake Ghost Face has a lighter shade of black on figure on the back as well as the #51 background
              • The “www” in “www.miramax.com” is bolded on the real one while not bolded on the fake.


            • The fake Ghost Face has a lighter shade of black on the figure on the top.
            • On the real Ghost Face, there is a manufacture date stamp indented on the box, on the fake there is not.


            • The Funko logo on the fake is a different than the real


            • There is more shin on the hat of the real Vendetta compared to the fake.
            • The eyes and shoes on the real one are shiny and on the fake it is not.


            • The sleeve on the arm is longer on the real compared to the fake one.


            • The knife’s blood splatters on the fake are solid and at the tip of the knife, the splatters on the real knife look like legit blood splatters.